Quality control analysis of 1000 Genomes Project Omni2.5 genotypes ------------------------------------------------------------------ sampleTable.txt is a tab-delimited text file. There is one line for each of the 2318 genotyped samples. The fields are as follows: Ped = pedigree ID ID = sample ID in the 1000 Genomes data Population = population code Continent = continent code PedSex = sex, as provided by 1000 Genomes (1=male, 2=female) Xhomoz = proportion of homozygous genotypes for X chromosome markers YcallRate = call rate for markers on the Y chromosome CallRate = call rate for all markers across the genome AutoHet = proportion of heterozygous markers on the autosomes CallErr = number of heterozygous haploid genotype calls or Y chromosome calls for females (based on InferredSex) InferredSex = sex inferred by Xhomoz and YcallRate (1=male, 2=female, 0=unknown) MendErr = number of observed errors in Mendelian transmission from a parent to ID PC1 = first principal component, from an analysis of all independent samples (NA = sample not analyzed) PC2 = second principal component PC3 = third principal component Omni1738 = is the sample part of the 1738 independent individuals with consistent ethnicity and unambiguous sex inference? 1 = yes, 0 = no Last modified 21 September 2016.